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Liposuction surgery, to effectively reshape the contour of body areas, usually involves a significant surface area of treatment. This involves a fair amount of trauma to the underlying tissues and resultant swelling and bruising of the treated areas. Compression and shaping garments are an important part of the recovery process to maximize the contour and smoothness of the treated areas.

Here is my top ten instructions that I provide to my body liposuction patients.

1. All areas treated by liposuction will be covered by a compression dressing
which consists of an outer binder and internal foam sponges. Some
drainage onto the outer garment is frequently seen during the first postoperative
night. Sleep on an old blanket to avoid ruining good sheets or your furniture. The
leaking of fluid will stop within 24 hours after surgery.2. The compression dressing will be left in place for 2 days. It will then be removed
in the office with the placement of a new compression garment.
3. Showering may be done the day that the compression dressings are removed.
Bathing should not be done until 3 weeks after surgery.
4. Bruising and swelling are to be expected in the first few weeks after
surgery. Once this has resolved, intermittent swelling of the treated areas may
occur as one’s activity level increases over the next weeks to several months.
This is common and will eventually resolve. The lymphatic channels of the areas
that were suctioned are re-establishing themselves.
5. Sutures in the small incisions will be removed 7 to 10 days after surgery.
6. Do not simply lay around the first few days after surgery. Periodically getting
up and walking around is encouraged to improve circulation to your legs and
helping you breathe deeper.
7. If the legs, thighs, or knees have been treated, keep your legs elevated whenever
sitting during the first postoperative week will help to decrease foot and ankle
8. Drive when you feel comfortable and are off pain medication. This is usually
within a week after surgery. Driving is about your personal safety, it does not
have any effect on the surgical outcome.
9. Light massaging of the treated areas beginning several weeks after surgery is
helpful in smoothing the skin and reducing soreness and swelling faster.
Lymphatic drainage massages can be very helpful over the treated areas.
10. You may return to normal physical activities and exercise within one month
after surgery. After exercise, the treated areas may temporarily swell until
the next day. This will eventually subside.
Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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