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Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? King Tut and Gynecomastia

  The most well known or at least the most publicized ancient pharaohs of Egypt, King Tut, ruled and died early. The demise of the young pharoah has always been a mystery and much speculation has centered around his cause of death from murder to accidents. But a recent theory based on medical evidence suggests Read More…

Male Nipple Disorders and Their Surgical Correction

The size and shape of a man’s chest can be a source of pride or embarrassment. Much emphasis on the aesthetics of a masculine chest is based on the pectoralis muscular anatomy. While this muscle provides support for the overlying skin, and clearly its size and border outlines are important, the lone remaining aesthetic feature Read More…

Case Study: Gynecomastia Reduction with Smartlipo

Background:  Enlargement of the breast tissue in a teenage or adult male, well known as gynecomastia, is a challenging aesthetic chest problem. It is comprised of several components including the amount of breast tissue, the size of the areola, and the position of the nipple-areolar complex on the anterior chest wall. Much of the focus Read More…

Gynecomastia Reduction Surgery in Athletic Men and Body Builders

  Gynecomastia, or male breast enlargement, is a well known condition that affects both teenagers and adult men. While the majority of gynecomastia occurs in teenage boys, most of which can go away on its own, those that require surgery are more common in adult men over the age of eighteen. I do far more Read More…

Case Study: SmartLipo For Gynecomastia Reduction in the Older Male

Background:Gynecomastia is a well known condition that largely affects the teenage and younger male. Male breast enlargement is most likely to be affected during the hormonal changes that occur during and after puberty. On the opposite side of puberty, the andropause era of men may cause gynecomastia as testosterone levels drop and numerous drugs for Read More…

Case Study: Revision of Gynecomastia Reduction Crater Deformities

  Background:  The treatment of certain types of gynecomastias employs the use of direct excision. Direct excision may be combined with liposuction but the dense tissue of some gynecomastias does not respond well to liposuction alone. Unlike liposuction, however, directly cutting out male breast tissue underneath the nipple  can easily be overdone and too much Read More…

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