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Treatment Options for Vertical Upper Lip Lines

  The face develops many visible signs of aging. But none are more problematic or pesky than that of upper lip lines or vertical rhytids. Such lip lines are very bothersome to women as they not only suggest an older lip but also cause problems with lipstick, often bleeding into the lower end of the Read More…

Treatment Options for Facial Acne Scars

  Acne is a common skin condition that results in a wide variety of scars types and patterns. Even though there are a number of available treatments for acne scars, they are not always universally successful. Acne scars represent a difficult challenge for improvement and every option must be considered in each patient. Often different Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Lip Wrinkles

Lip lines, particularly the vertical wrinkles of the upper lip, are a common problem amongst many Caucasian women. Thinner less pigmented skin is more prone to wrinkling due to repeated lip motion and less dermal thickness and elastic fiber content. The wrinkles form perpendicular to the horizontal orientation and sphincteric movement of the underlying orbicularis Read More…

Total Hand Rejuvenation

While the aging of the face seems the most visible and subsequently the most treated by plastic surgery, it is not the only visible and unclothed body part that ages. I have seen many older women whose face is quite smooth because of numerous facial rejuvenation procedures but whose hands give their age away. The Read More…

A Structured Approach to Treatment Planning of the Aging Face

Patients with facial aging concerns frequently come in and want a general overall assessment of what can be done to improve their face. Others come in because they are looking for a very specific facial rejuvenation procedure, whether it is some type of tuck-up, filler or laser resurfacing. They are driven to these procedures largely Read More…

Fractional Laser Resurfacing of the Neck

Resurfacing of the facial skin for wrinkle reduction is well known to be effective. Such laser improvements have been particularly enhanced by the use of fractional ablative laser treatments. The deeper penetration of the vertical laser columns, albeit on just a fraction of the skin’s surface, causes collagen production and skin tightening not previously seen. Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Laser Resurfacing at a Fraction

Laser skin resurfacing has now been around for several decades and involves a simple treatment principle…uniform removal of the outer layers of the skin. This can be done from very superficial to deep depending upon the power settings of the laser and the depth of the skin contour problem. Fractional laser treatment represents a paradigm Read More…

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