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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Secondary Nasal Augmentation of the Short Nose with ePTFE Implant and Cartilage Grafts

Background: Augmentation rhinoplasty can be done using either synthetic implants or autologous cartilage grafts. Each approach has its distinct advantages and disadvantages and debates have existed amongst rhinoplasty surgeons for decades about the merits of each approach. But around the world the most common method of augmentation rhinoplasty probably used is with an implant for Read More…

The Bulge In Your Nostril Is Probably Caused By A Deviated Caudal Septum

Aesthetic nasal surgery is divided into a total external reshaping (rhinoplasty) or external reshaping combined with functional airway surgery. (septorhinoplasty)  By its name it is obvious that septorhinoplasty includes management of a deviated septum as part of improving the ability to breathe through one’s nose.  While many deviated septums are not that apparent externally if Read More…

The Benefits of Dorsal Restoration in Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a collection of a variety of tissue manipulations to reshape the nose. Almost invariably to undertake these manipulations portions of the nose must be dismantled and then put back together again, either being reduced, augmented or simply reshaped.. This is no better illustrated the when it comes to dorsal reduction, one of the Read More…

Correction of Maxillary Deficiencies in Deviated Nose Rhinoplasty

Asymmetry of the nose occurs for a variety of anatomic reasons. Septal deviation, nasal bone asymmetries, upper lateral and lower alar cartilages differences and even the thickness of the nasal skin are all well recognized contributors to nasal asymmetries. Many standard rhinoplasty maneuvers can help improve the centric alignment of nasal appearance. One less recognized Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Nostril Narrowing after LeFort I Osteotomy

Background: The LeFort I osteotomy is a well known midface procedure that repositions the upper jaw bone. To perform the procedure a complete subperiosteal undermining is needed across the entire maxilla including around the pyriform aperture. A well known adverse aesthetic sequelae of this procedure is widening of the nostrils due to the lateral pull Read More…

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