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The typical prospective patient over the past decade has been extensively instructed to investigate the credentials of their chosen plastic surgeon, from board-certification to patient recommendations. All of these are very good and certainly should be done. But many plastic surgeons in any given community will pass the ‘credentials test’. Then what?

Don’t overlook the next and most important criteria….the ability to communicate. The skill to make your problem understandable and convey to you in straightforward language your treatment options. And in the process make you feel comfortable and comforted. Those plastic surgeons who can do that…most likely have all the surgical skills to do a good operation as well.

There is a good motto that as an ‘insider’ I have come to learn. Those people in any field who have the ability to make you understand in simple terms what the issues are…most likely really understand, through intelligence and experience, how to get the job done well. Seek those who can make it clear to you. For if they can understand and communciate it well, they will likely also be able to perform it well.
Dr Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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