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It is a well recognized phenomenon that as we age, our earlobes sag and ‘grow’ longer. With this sagging, some earlobes get thinner and develop creases or wrinkles as well. This is almost an exclusive female problem which is often exaggerated by the use of ear rings over the years. In those women who develop elongated ear lobe holes or have actual tears, resulting in a split ear lobe, the ear lobes are often thin as well even after surgical repair.

One of the more uncommon, but very beneficial uses of injectable fillers, is to rejuvenate the appearance of the thinned earlobe. Adding volume to the earlobe through an injectable filler helps expand and stretch the earlobe out to a more youthful appearance. I prefer the use of a hyaluronic filler, such as Juvaderm, Restylane, or Perlane, to create this tissue-expanding earlobe effect. It is quick and easy to perform and a hyaluronic filler flows in quite nicely into the small space of the earlobe. A small volume of .2 to .3ccs is all that is needed per ear lobe. An injectable filler in the earlobe seems to last much longer than in any other area of the face, presumably due to the lack of any muscle movement on the treated area. patients can wear ear rings immediately thereafter.

I would not say that the hyaluronic acid fillers in the earlobe are permanent but volume retention up to a year is likely. I suspect that any of the particulated fillers would last much longer (years) and I will likely turn to using those instead in the near future. I don’t think they pose any increased risk in the earlobe compared to any other facial area.

For those squeemish about putting a needle in the ear (I would be!), I always numb up the area first by doing a simple injection of local anesthetic right in front of the earlobe which is not as tender an area. Earlobe injections are then painless!

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis,, Indiana

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