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Summary of Experience with EMMI solutions in the Plastic Surgery Practice of Dr. Barry Eppley


Based on my experience with the EMMI solutions program in my plastic surgery practice since last September, my initial four month surveys have been very positive. Programs used on EMMI have included abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, breast reduction, and liposuction. From 8 patients, the following results were obtained.

100% stated EMMI improved their understanding of what to expect. 94% stated EMMI gave them a better understanding of how to take care of themselves before and after the procedure. 100% stated EMMI covered risks that they didn’t know about previously. 88% stated EMMI answered questions thay had planned to call their doctor to discuss. 100% stated EMMI provided them with new information about their procedure. 100% stated EMMI increased their comfort level about their procedure. 100% stated EMMI increased confidence in their doctor.

What surpised me was that most patients felt that the programs covered risks they had not known about before….and… answered questions they were going to call about. I was surprised because I had always felt that I was very comprehensive in my discussions with patients and my literature after signing up for a plastic surgery procedure was equally detailed. But what I have come to learn after years in practice was that patients absorb much less information than you think. While they are looking at you and allegedly listening while you are talking to them, what gets through and is understood is but a fraction of what was said. And just because you provide a lot of detailed before and after surgery information, doesn’t necessarily mean that they actually read it. EMMI provides another informational opportunity, that does not involve doctor time or input, to improve patient comprehension.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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