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Emmi solutions of Chicago is a communication platform company that provides online patient education program for a wide variety of medical and surgical procedures as one of its many services. Through their programs, Emmi helps increase patient satisfaction, helps physicians manage patient expectations, helps patients prepare for and recover from medical procedures, and engages patients in quality and safety initiatives. EMMI programs are currently available in 16 medical specialties including Plastic Surgery.

In Plastic Surgery, programs are currently available for saline breast augmentation, silicone breast augmentation, facelift, liposuction, breast reduction, breast reconstruction, and abdominoplasty. Since blepharoplasty (eyelid tucks) are a very common facial plastic surgery procedure and one of the top 5 plastic surgery procedures performed over the age of 40, it was important to have this procedure as part of EMMI’s plastic surgery programs. Having just completed an advisory review of this blepharoplasty video program, it like all of EMMI’s programs is top-notch and very informative. It is another welcome addition that all of my blepharoplasty patients will be asked to review prior to surgery.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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