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Explore Plastic Surgery – America’s #1 Plastic Surgery Blog

As of December 1 2007, I have created a separate website from my plastic surgery practice for informational plastic surgery blog, known as Explore Plastic Surgery. There you will find my daily input on interesting aspects of plastic surgery techniques, methods, devices, and implants. On that site will be photos attached to each and every blog from surgeries, patients, and illustrations that you may find fascinating to see. They will be different than anything you can see on reality TV or even the Nip Tuck show!

This blog is going to have a lot of basic science for the lay person of the many plastic surgery concepts and principles which make many of the things we do work. I feel providing a basic explanation of how things work in plastic surgery would be very interesting to many patients and potential patients. No other site exists on the internet which explains the basic science, if you will, of plastic surgery. Thousands of websites exist that detail and market plastic surgery procedures and what is possible, but few give the details of how such procedures, drugs, or devices in plastic surgery work….or don’t work. An insight from ‘behind the scalpel’ if you will.

Dr Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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