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Almost all plastic surgery operations create scars. Sometimes the scar is hidden and is a near irrelevant issue. Other times the scar is very visible and is a significant consideration as to whether one wants the operation or not. But there are cases where  the scar is ‘equivocal’. Maybe the scar trade 0ff is worth it and maybe it isn’t. How does one choose? The best method to judge whether the aesthetic benefits of any operation vs the scar it takes to do it…is to assume the worse from a scar standpoint. Meaning if you look at pictures of the scar(s) that result from the operation and have an immediate response that it is a trade-off worth making, then it is the right operation for you. If that scar seems worse than the aesthetic issue you have, and your gut reaction is not positive, then it is not the right operation for you. You always assume the worst for scars since one never knows how well they will work. You don’t make the decision on the best scar possible but rather the worse case scenario. In that way you will never make the wrong decision.

‘The Acceptance of Scars in Plastic Surgery Is Not A Logical One…It Is An Emotional Decision That Can Differ For Each Patient’

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indiamapolis, Indiana

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