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One of the most satisfying body contouring procedures is that of the tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. Patients consistently report that they are extremely satisfied and would do the procedure over again. Many such satisfied patients also say they wish they had done it sooner had they known how much difference it can make. While it is a major operation and requires a significant recovery, a  tummy tuck makes changes that no amount of diet and exercise can do. This explains why patients are so satisfied. One of the most questions patients ask are how soon can I exercise after a tummy tuck. While patients are usually anxious to return to their workout routinue, it is important to not try and return too early to avoid fluid build-ups (seromas) and suture line problems. For most patients, six weeks after surgery is a good projection. This usually becomes obvious after surgery and, while that seems like along time to wait when considering surgery, becomes perfectly reasonable afterwards as one recovers.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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