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There are numerous types of injectable fillers, of which the majority are those synthetically derived. But there are a few autogenous or more natural fillers that are available. One is the use of your own fat as an injection after it is harvested by liposuction and concentrated. The other is an extract from your own blood, known as platelet-rich plasma. (PRP) By taking a draw of blood and spinning it with a centrifuge, a concentrated platelet plug is obtained which can be injected. Platelets are chocked full of growth factors and cytokines which help heal tissues and can stimulate tissue growth. When injected under the skin, they have been shown to diminish wrinkles and improve skin texture and tone. PRP is finding numerous rejuvenation and anti-aging benefits in the face either used alone or in combination with fat and other synthetic injectable fillers. Who would have thought that one has the ability to look younger from what is circulating within us. This is perhaps not surprising given that blood cells are replaced every 3 weeks and new platelets every few months.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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