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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Female Submuscular Head Widening Implants

  Background: Traditional temporal augmentation surgery addresses the hollowing that occurs by the side of the eye outside the lateral orbital rim. (non-hair bearing skin) This is the most common temporal or side of the head deficiency which represents lack of adequate soft tissue (muscle or fat) which comprises the anterior temporal fossa. (concavity) Several Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Midface Pyriform Aperture-Infraorbital-Malar Implant

Background: Custom midface implants create new possibilities for adding increased projection to the middle third of the face. Unlike the numerous off-the-shelf implants which are available (cheek, tear trough, premaxillary and paranasal implants), the custom midface implant provides a global enhancement effect. It is somewhat similar to a LeFort III advancement without dentoalveolar and nasal Read More…

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