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I currently have a large daily plastic surgery blogs and, some of my patients who actually have seen or read it, have asked the question…why do you write? The answer is a simple one…I learn more when I write than when I read. When I was at the University, there was some relevance to having to write, the so-called publish or perish scenario. If you don’t write, it hurts your chances of getting promoted. Having written books and hundreds of articles in my academic career, I learned a lot more when I took the time to write.

Writing requires you to put down on ‘paper’ what you know and forces you to make connections on your thoughts to create logical streams of expression. If you write a lot, as in blogging, it also forces you to read and digest more sources of information to seek out new topics on whiich to blog. It is like a near continous classroom learning…and I believe my plastic surgery patients have benefited from it.
Dr Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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