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Spring is finally here – and this is the time of year when one starts looking in the mirror and seeing dull, dry winter-time skin. I’m often asked which skin care treatments are most effective and how patients can best maintain their surgical results. While the answers aren’t the same for everyone, I can tell you there are three truly effective things that you can do to improve your skin’s condition – and doing these things with the start of each new season can really establish a routine easily.

Microdermabrasion. This is easy; effective – and is affordable to do on a regular basis. Honestly, this is the most consistent method to maintain skin that is in good condition – without muss or fuss.

SkinTyte™ Laser Treatments. I am seeing very good results with these treatments, and they have proven to be even more effective when combined with an exfoliative treatment (such as Microdermabrasion). SkinTyte™ is non-invasive, so it’s also easy to do on the way home from work and does not require any recovery time.

MicroLaser Peels™ These are far and away the fastest way to better skin. MicroLaser Peels™ (also called the ‘Weekend Peel’) are the treatment I most often recommend to my own family as a quarterly ‘maintenance’ treatment. Laser peeling has changed drastically since the days when carbon-dioxide lasers were all that were available to us, and we’re now able to do light to medium to deeper peels in the office that produce only a few days of redness and flaking skin – and can be repeated on a monthly basis- rather than requiring weeks of recovery and the expense of surgery. We can be as aggressive or as conservative with each peel as a patient wants, and can base each peel on your needs at the time and any activities you have planned.

This new season is the ideal time to re-evaluate your skin care routine. The above three treatment options, combined with a good skin care program of topical solutions, can bring on the sunshine in your own skin!

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana

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