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The Influence of Fat Dissolving Injections on Buccal Lipectomy Surgery

While the buccal lipectomy procedure is a straight forward surgical procedure with a limited recovery and is highly effective at its goal (removing a distinct facial fat area), some patient seek non-surgical methods for cheek fat reduction. Fat dissolving solutions such as dexoycholic acid and brand name Kybella have been used for facial fat treatments Read More…

Facial Reshaping Surgery and the Contemporary Concepts of Facial Beauty

Defining facial beauty or attractiveness has been done for centuries. Most of the time it is discussed from an artist’s perspective looking at ratios, linear measurements, angles and proportions. While these all have merit surgery is not like making a painting or creating a sculpture. It is far less precise and the influence of how Read More…

Aesthetic Insights – The Ogee Curve and Cheek/Midface Augmentation

In cheek augmentation, whether it be with fillers, fat or implants, the relevance of the ogee curve comes into play. This well known aesthetically desired external facial contour refers to the central facial triangle or the double soft-S curve that is seen on the cheek from an oblique view. It starts with convex fullness in Read More…

Aesthetic Insights – Wide Spacing of Breast Implants

For women undergoing breast augmentation surgery, the location as well as the size of the breast implants is of critical importance. While women can participate in the selection of the size of their breast implants, they have little say in where they are positioned on the chest wall. Ideally the plastic surgeon centers the implant Read More…

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