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Infection Risk and Management in Breast Augmentation

 While there are numerous potential complications that can occur from cosmetic breast augmentation surgery, the most feared is undoubtably infection. All of the other potential risks, such as asymmetry, hematoma, capsular contracture, changes in nipple sensation, uneven nipple levels, and even implant rupture, they do not lead to the potential to remove the implant for Read More…

Accuracy of MRI for Silicone Breast Implant Rupture

  With silicone gel breast implants returning to the forefront of breast augmentation and reconstruction, there are recurrent concerns about their durability and potential rupture. While there has never been any proven link between disease and silicone gel exposure, being able to diagnose silicone breast implant rupture is important. However,sSilicone implant rupture has been associated Read More…

Memory Gel Breast Implant Referral Program

The benefits of breast augmentation are many including a changed physical appearance, increased clothing options, and most importantly an improved self-image. But undergoing breast implants has recently added an additional benefit…the opportunity for some extra cash. From the Mentor corporation, who has the largest share of the breast implant market in the United States, comes Read More…

Cleavage after Breast Augmentation – Is It Possible?

  ‘My breasts are sagging and I am a 36 B. I want to have breast augmentation to make them bigger. What worries is that my breasts are too spaced pretty far apart and I would like nice cleavage. How can I be sure that I will have good cleavage after my breast implant surgery?’ Read More…

Common Questions about Breast Augmentation (Breast Implants)

  1.      Which is a better breast implant, saline or silicone?   Neither of them is better than the other. Both are FDA-approved and millions of women have both types of breast implants. But they do have some property differences between them that patients should know. Understanding their differences can help one decide which is Read More…

Case Study: Asian Female Breast Augmentation

  Background: Breast augmentation in women of Asian ethnicity is far less common than that of Caucasians. But with changing fashion and clothing trends, more women of Asian descent are interested in having the procedure. The cultural concept of a smaller chest size and darker skin makes for some different considerations in breast enhancement surgery. Read More…

Case Study: Breast Augmentation in an ‘Older’ Woman

  Background: Breast augmentation continues to be one of the most popular of all cosmetic plastic surgery procedures because of its instantaneous results and success in enlarging a woman’s breasts. The vast majority of women who have breast augmentation are between the ages of 21 to 45 years of age. While breast augmentation can be Read More…

Mentor’s Premium Warranty Program for Breast Implants

  Like many available retail products, breast implants have manufacturer warranties. Many patients do not think of or are unaware that such warranties actually exist. The only two implant manufacturers in the U.S., Mentor and Allergan, both have them and they have historically been relatively the same offerings. Such warranties apply to both saline and Read More…

The Reality of the Need for Revisional Surgery in Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation persists as one of the most popular and successful elective plastic surgery procedures. Despite the frequent excellent results that come from this surgery, it is not a perfect procedure. Complications and problems do occur and patients need to appreciate that this potential risk is not rare. Why do some breast augmentations look great…and Read More…

How Long Will My Breast Implants Last?

The popularity of breast augmentation continues to grow. In 2008, over 300,000 women had breast implants placed. Another 80,000 had breast reconstruction, of which at least half of these involved the placement of implants. Like all medical devices, they rarely are permanent or last forever. In 2008, nearly 40,000 implants were replaced or removed. With Read More…

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