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Breast Augmentation Costs in Indianapolis

  Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures overall and one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures for women under the age of 35. Breast augmentation is a fairly ‘standard’ procedure in terms of how it is performed and the time it takes to perform it. In my hands, Read More…

Rippling in Silicone Gel Breast Implants

  There are two good reasons why patients choose silicone gel breast implants over saline…and one of those is that silicone breast implants have significantly less rippling or wrinkling than saline. This is of great aesthetic importance to those women with very little breast tissue and thin or stretched out skin where the outline of Read More…

Before and After Breast Augmentation Photo Results

A very frequent request for potential breast augmentation patients is that they would like to see breast augmentation photos/pictures of my results. I find patients reviewing before and after breast augmentation photos to be extremely educational for them and I insist that they do so. I refer to them to either by practice website, Read More…

Large Implants in Breast Augmentation

  My approach to selecting a size for one’s breast augmentation is that it is the patient’s choice. It is not for me to judge someone’s taste or desires. Breast size is a very personal issue and it is, to some degree, a bit like art. Beauty (breast size) is in the eye of the beholder. Read More…

ActiPatch for Breast Augmentation Recovery

ActiPatch is a non-drug, anti-inflammatory device that has been used for multiple medical conditions from facial surgery recovery to plantar fasciitis. It helps reduce swelling and inflammation through the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields contained in either a patch design or a loop configurations. The patch or loop devices contain a tiny circuit which is Read More…

Non-Visible Scars in Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation continues to be one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures with over 300,000 women undergoing the procedure last year. With the return of silicone gel breast implants, in addition to existing saline breast implants, women now have two good choices for their breast augmentation procedure. Whether saline or silicone gel breast implants Read More…

The Effects of Implants in Pre-Existing Breast Asymmetry

Despite the tremendous popularity of breast augmentation, and the relatively common occurrence of differences in most women’s breasts, there is little public knowledge about what occurs when both are mixed together in a surgical enhancement. All plastic surgeon’s made a good effort to point out a patient’s breast asymmetries beforehand, and that breast asymmetry is Read More…

Common Breast Augmentation Questions Answered

  Breast Augmentation is the number one cosmetic body procedure performed in plastic surgery, even outdoing liposuction which has the advantage of potentially treating many body areas as opposed to breast augmentation’s one. Because the operation is fairly ‘standard’, many potntial patient’s questions and concerns are quite similar I get them on almost every consult Read More…

Dr Barry Eppley, Breast Implants and Love Your Look

  Dr Barry Eppley, board-certified plastic surgeon from Indianapolis, is now listed on the Johnson & Johnson Mentor-sponsored website entitled Love Your Look.  This website is a great resource location for those women looking for comprehensive information on breast implants and breast augmentation. Dr Eppley, a a board-certified plastic surgeon has great experience using Johnson Read More…

Silicone Breast Implants and Risk of Platinum Toxicity

  Just when I thought I had reviewed all of the known issues relating to silicone breast implants, from the risk of autoimmune disorders to breast feeding, one appears that I not yet heard of…..the risk of platinum toxicity. The metal, platinum, is used as a catalyst in the cross-linking reaction of the silicone gel Read More…

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