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The Correlation of Bra and Breast Implant Cup Size Volumes

In breast augmentation surgery women should choose implant size based on the way it makes the breast look. But the obvious question from prospective patients is what cup size will I be afterwards? Ot what implant volume is needed to give the cup size they want? Historically the common answer is that a cup size Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Breast Augmentation after Weight Loss

Background:  Significant weight loss, albeit through diet and exercise or bariatric surgery, will have a dramatic effect on all body areas. As the fat is burned off the support for the skin is lost. This causes an overall body sag that creates a well known collection of body changes that are most reflected centrally in Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Fat Injection Breast Augmentation Outcome

Background:  Breast augmentation is the most common as well as recognized body contouring operation. Performed through the placement of an implant, its after surgery volume retention is assured. Its downside is that the use of a gel or saline-filled device makes it susceptible to numerous long-term implant related issues and further surgeries. Fat injection breast Read More…

Techniques for Correction of Congenital Symmastia

One of the rare congenital breast conditions is symmastia. This condition is where the two breasts converge across the sternum eliminating the cleavage area and replacing it with the inner halfs of the breast mounds or a webbing. The name comes from Greek word derivation combining syn (together) and mastos. (breast) While it is a Read More…

Supernumerary Nipples in Breast Augmentation

A extra nipple, in either men or women, is not rare. Occurring in up to 5% of the population, it is often mistaken for a mole due to its circular appearance. What separates it from a mole is that it is raised and has a textured and not a smooth appearance. It does not usually Read More…

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