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Plastic Surgery Case Study – Combination Breast Implant and Lift Surgery

Background:  The breast is subject to many changes from the influences of time, gravity, pregnancy and fluctuation in weight. But whatever the cause the changes are very typical, loss of breast volume and sagging. Efforts to reverse these negative shape changes are also very consistent through the addition of volume and lifting and tightening the Read More…

Supernumerary Nipples in Breast Augmentation

A extra nipple, in either men or women, is not rare. Occurring in up to 5% of the population, it is often mistaken for a mole due to its circular appearance. What separates it from a mole is that it is raised and has a textured and not a smooth appearance. It does not usually Read More…

Product Review – Natrelle Breast Implants (Inspira Round Gel)

Silicone breast implants continue to evolve both in its external shell and the gel that resides inside it. The silicone gel has become far less like the liquid it originally was many years ago. The silicone has become more firm or cohesive through increased crosslinking of the silicon molecules. The urban term for these newer Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Much Larger Breast Implant Replacements

Background: Breast implants are often perceived as one-time lifelong devices. But this is the exception and not the rule. Depending upon the age at which they were placed, breast implants are often replaced at some point in a woman’s life. (and in more rare cases even removed) They are numerous reasons for why breast implants Read More…

OR Snapshots – Funnel Breast Implant Device Insertion

The placement of breast implants is an obvious key ingredient in breast augmentation surgery. While there different incisional locations that can be used, the breast implants must be passed through the incision into the developed tissue pocket regardless of where it is placed. For saline implants, which are inserted deflated and rolled, the location or Read More…

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