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The Remarkable Healing Of The Bone Flap In Brow Bone Reduction Surgery

Brow bone reduction is a very successful reshaping surgery of the forehead. It is most commonly done in two types of patients, the male with large overgrown brow one protrusions who wants to look more normal and the transgender male to female patient who is interested in a gender appearance change. Despite the disparate aesthetic Read More…

The Transpalpebral Approach in Brow Bone Reshaping and Browlift Surgery

Aesthetic upper eyelid surgery is primarily associated with the blepharoplasty procedure due to it being commonly performed. Whether for the removal of excessive upper eyelid tissues, the correction of a low hanging eyelid (ptosis repair) or the creation of a double eyelid, the supratarsal crease line is largely used for direct surgical access to perform Read More…

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