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Avoiding Fat Emboli in Fat Injection Buttock Augmentation

  Buttock enlargement by fat injections (aka the Brazilian Butt Lift) is the most popular method for this procedure. The dual benefit of the body contouring effect from the liposuction harvest to obtain the fat needed for injection is one of its most appealing attributes besides its non-implant method. But it is not a complication Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Large Brazilian Butt Lift

Background: Buttock augmentation has emerged over the past decade as the fastest growing body contouring procedure that now rivals breast augmentation on overall interest and number of procedures performed. While implants can be used for the buttock augmentation material, fat grafting is by far more common and popular. Injection fat grafting offers a natural and Read More…

The Success of the Brazilian Butt Lift

  Buttock augmentation is most commonly done today using fat injections. (aka Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL) It is popular because it not only offers a natural method of buttock enlargement but has a concomitant benefit of body contouring through the liposuction fat harvesting. Many good buttock augmentation results from this procedure are the result Read More…

Subfascial vs. Intramuscular Buttock Implants

Buttock augmentation has gained tremendous popularity as a surgical procedure in just the past decade. This has largely been due to the use of fat injections for buttock augmentation, an approach that offers a diametric effect with enlargement of one body area (injection site) and reduction of many other body areas (liposuction harvest) during the Read More…

Subfascial vs. Intramuscular Buttock Implants

The use of implants is one effective method for buttock augmentation. It is far surpassed by fat injections (aka Brazilian Butt Lift, BBL) in number of buttock enhancements done, however, due to the appeal and usual availability of adequate fat to harvest to do the procedure. The exact numbers are not known but I would Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study: Combined Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift

Background: Two of the most popular body contouring procedures today is one from the past and a relatively new one. Tummy tuck surgery has been around for over five decades and is highly successful at reshaping the abdominal wall often in a dramatic fashion. Conversely, buttock augmentation by fat injections (aka Brazilian Butt Lift) has Read More…

Plastic Surgery Products – Natural Contour Silicone Buttock Implants

Buttock implants are undergoing a renaissance today largely due to the popularity and widespread use of fat injection buttock augmentation. (Brazilian Butt Lift = BBL) The societal interest in the aesthetics of buttock shape and size combined with the body contouring benefits of liposuction has generated large numbers of such buttock augmentation procedures being performed. Read More…

Dermal-Fat Grafts For Buttock Augmentation

Buttock augmentation continues to grow in popularity, largely driven by the acronym BBL. The Brazilian Butt Lift is a moniker for the transfer of autologous fat into the buttocks though injection using the patient’s own fat harvested by liposuction. Besides being a natural procedure, the additional benefit of body contouring from the liposuction part of Read More…

Buttock And Hip Augmentation: Fat vs. Implants

There are two effective and well established techniques for either buttock or hip augmentation. They are either fat injections using your own liposuction harvest  (Brazilian Butt Lift) or soft silicone elastomer implants that can neither rupture or leak. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages, as does every surgical technique, but both may not be Read More…

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