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Strategies for Successful Buttock Implant Augmentation

While implants are used all over the body from the breasts to the calfs very successfully, their use for buttock augmentation is associated with a more checkered experience. Not that implants anywhere can’t be associated with complications, but buttock implants carry a disproportionate amount of criticism. This is partially due to the availability of fat Read More…

The Illegal Practice of Black Market Buttock Injections

On the surface, no one would say to themselves…please inject my body with some foreign substance (of which I don’t know what it is or even care) in an unsterile/unclean hotel room or in a house or aprtment by someone who has no medical training at all. That does not sound like a good idea Read More…

Fat vs. Implants for Buttock Augmentation

While implants offer a permanent buttock augmentation effect, they are associated with a much longer recovery period. One must be very selective in choosing patients for implants while one can be a lot more lax about who opts for fat grafting. If there is an equivocal choice between fat or implants for buttock augmentation, I Read More…

Preventing Buttock Implant Complications By Proper Size Selection

  Buttock augmentation is one of the most in demand body contouring procedures today. While ten years ago it was infrequently requested compared to breast augmentation for example, it has increased over ten-fold since then. Such an increase in buttock augmentation has been driven by many factors including the celebrity appeal. (Jennifer Lopex, the Kardahasians Read More…

PRP-Enriched Fat Injection Buttock Augmentation

  The most popular method of buttock augmentation is by fat injections. Known as the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), it is singularly responsible for the dramatic rise in the number of buttock augmentation procedures performed. While fat is not the most reliable method of adding buttock volume, an implant is, it offers a natural material Read More…

Case Study: Intramuscular Buttock Implant Augmentation

Background: Buttock augmentation has surged in popularity over the past decade. Compared to just ten years ago, the number of buttock enhancement procedures in the U.S. has increased a staggering twenty-fold in number. This is due almost exclusively due to the fat injection technique. Injecting fat into the buttocks for enlargement, also known as the Read More…

Brazilian Butt Lift in Thin Patients

The success of buttock augmentation by fat injection depends, first and foremost, on having enough fat to harvest. If not enough volume of fat is available, it does not matter how well it survives as the buttock result will be inadequate. This has made the use of buttock fat grafting in thin patients historically not Read More…

Buttock Augmentation in Men

  Buttock augmentation has grown in popularity over the past decade from a scant few patients who received implants to large numbers of patients today that receive fat injections. Regardless of the augmentation technique, enhancement of the derriere has been almost exclusively the domain of women. Fashion trends, particularly amongst certain ethnicities, has made having Read More…

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