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The Aesthetic Effects of Blended (Extreme) Chin Augmentation

The classic debate, and sometimes an actual controversy, is whether chin augmentation is best done with an implant or by moving the chin bone. While patients and surgeons often try and compare them by their level of invasiveness, that is really an irrelevant and short-sighted thought process to that decision. That discussion more likely emanates Read More…

Avoiding Aesthetic Chin Implant Complications II. Vertical Elongation

While the most common chin augmentation dimension is forward or in the horizontal dimension, the most under diagnosed chin augmentation patient is the one who needs some vertical lengthening as well. Vertically elongating the chin typically means a forward and down direction of augmentation in profile (45 degrees in the side view) and not a Read More…

Basic Concepts of Chin Reshaping Surgery

Like the nose, the chin is a major component of the facial profile. Surgically more rhinoplasties are performed for aesthetic facial improvements than chin reshaping procedures. But this speaks more to the combined functional and complex aesthetic deformities caused by the nose compared to the isolated aesthetic effects of the chin which is structurally simpler Read More…

Integrated Chin Augmentation Combining Sliding Genioplasty with Implants

Chin augmentation is one of the most common of all facial reshaping surgeries and is usually performed by the placement of an implant. This relatively ‘simple’ procedure works as long as the augmentation needs are within what the style and size of standard implants can provide. But not all chin augmentation patients are accepting of Read More…

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