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Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? The Anatomy of Cheek Dimples

Cheek dimples have been proven by anatomic studies to be the result of an underlying muscle defect or unique type of muscular anatomy. They occur because of a split or defect in the zygomaticus muscle which runs from the underside of the cheek bone down into the upper lip. While appearing as a slight indentation Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Injectable Fillers and Sugar

Many injectable fillers used for cosmetic facial augmentation are composed of the substance known as hyaluranon or hyaluronic acid. While it is synthetically produced, it is a natural substance found throughout the body. Known as a glycosaminoglycan or GAG, it is a complex carbohydrate or sugar that is essential for life. Its recognized molecular structure Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? Extra or Supernumerary Nipples

Extra or supernumery nipples (polythelia) are fairly common occurring in about 5% of men and 2% of women. They occur along the embryonic milk lines  that run from the armpit to the groin in all mammals. They are often mistaken for moles because they are quite small. They usually appear on just one side but Read More…

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