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Facelifts vs. Facelifting

There are certain procedure names in plastic surgery that immediately conjure up in public perception as to what it is. Aesthetic procedures such as rhinoplasty, breast implants and liposuction leave no doubt as to what they accomplish. The name alone speaks for what it does and there is little room for interpretation as to the Read More…

Case Study: Facelift with Chin-Prejowl Augmentation

Background:  Aging of the face takes on many predictable changes but none is more evident than what occurs along the jawline. The once more discernible and sharp jawline becomes lost as jowls appear and the neck sags. The neck angle becomes more obtuse, the chin may appear shorter, and the transition between the face and Read More…

The Uniqueness of Male Plastic Surgery – Facial Procedures

The facial aging process is one that is well known as everyone will eventually see it on their face. The eyes get heavy, the brows descend, the cheek fall, jowls develop and the neck sags. Women become concerned earlier in the aging process and proceed to do procedures to treat or slow it down in Read More…

Plastic Surgery’s Did You Know? The Muscles of Facial Aging

A facelift, despite being a well known procedure, is frequently misunderstood. The most common misconception is of the actual facial area that is treated. Rather than the whole face, it treats only the lower third of the face, the neck and jowl areas. But the second misconception is what lies under the skin or, more Read More…

The Role of the SMAS in Today’s Facelift Surgery

  Facelift surgery is well known to lift, remove and tighten skin that is recruited from the jowls and neck. In its most simplest form, a facelift chases sagging and loose skin from the neck and jawline back to where its removal offers the best incision placement and resultant scar creation…in and around the ears. Read More…

Skin Care Before and After a Facelift

  Any patient that undergoes a facelift has understandably great expectations given the commitment involved. But a facelift alone can not correct all facial aging problems. Preparing for a facelift is not only a matter of education but also benefits from before and after surgery skin care. When a patient is looking for and is Read More…

The Stem Cell Facelift Revealed

Many treatments have been touted over the years to create a facelift-like effect from topical creams to devices in lieu of having the actual surgical procedure. Today’s ‘alternative facelifts’ have taken on a very different approach and it is done through largely an injectable approach. These are all about adding volume to the face, plumping Read More…

How Long Does A Facelift Last?

While facelifts have continued to increase in popularity and overall numbers, the procedures has also undergone a bit of paradigm shift over the past decade. While once thought of as a procedure of older age and to be done closer to or after retirement, greater numbers of facelifts are done today in middle aged patients. Read More…

The Social Media-Induced Facelift

  Technology and social media have caused many positive human interactions and experiences. They have made connecting to those close and far away as easy as the push of a button and available in a matter of seconds. They also allow us to visually share every aspect of our lifes, whether others really care to Read More…

Patient Testimonials: Facelift Surgery

  Dr. Eppley, Thank you for doing such a great job on my facelift and nostril narrowing!  Only three people knew that I was having surgery and at  my family’s Christmas dinner, some people commented that I looked good and asked if I had lost weight.  I was always very self conscious about my nose Read More…

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