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Sarah Palin and Plastic Surgery

Recent internet blogs purport that Sarah Palin has had some plastic surgery done recently. Using some apparent inside information, it is stated that she had a ‘nasolabial fold lift, cheek implants, midface lift, eyebrows fixed and a sideburn graft.’ A series of photographs are shown which are supposed to support these contentions. Normally, I wouldn’t Read More…

Submentoplasty for Isolated Neck Rejuvenation

  The neck, or more properly the neck angle, is a hallmark of both youth and a well defined jaw line. As one ages, the neck angle will change…it is only matter of how much and when. While the aging neck problem is usually addressed by some form of a facelift, this involves incisions around Read More…

Myths about Facelift Surgery

  Rejuvenation of the aging face through ‘facelift’ techniques continues to be one of the most understood of all facial plastic surgery procedures. In talking to patients every day in my Indianapolis plastic surgery practice, here are some of the most common misconceptions that people have about facelifts. Myth: I need to wait until I Read More…

The Volumetric Facelift – What Does It Mean and Does It Work?

  A facelift result that appears natural and has no adverse effects on one’s appearance are the primary objectives of the plastic surgeon.To achieve those goals two problems must be avoided when doing a facelift, avoidance of any hairline disturbances and limiting scars and their visibility. When trying to avoid visible facelift scars, the scar Read More…

Facelifts with Hidden Scars

  The facelift incision and scar in front of the ear is usually placed in a retrotragal (in and out of the ear going behind the bump of cartilage in front of the ear canal) location. (in women, not in men) As the scar runs in this fashion in front of the ear, it becomes Read More…

Understanding the Lifestyle Lift for Facial Rejuvenation

Due to the marketing and the appeal of the Lifestyle Lift, many potential patients have at least heard of it. A scaled-down version of a facelift, the Lifestyle Lift is not really unique but is actually a common procedure performed by many plastic surgeons. Todays trend toward less invasive plastic surgery and performing facial rejuvenation Read More…

The Value of Chin Implants in Facelift Surgery

A facelift primarily provides a rejuvenative effect along the neck and jaw line. By removing neck fat, tightening the platysma muscle, and removing excess skin back and up towards the ears, a more defined neck angle is created. Such changes are largely seen in the profile or three-quarter view which is how we are viewed Read More…

The Role of Midface Lifts in Facial Rejuvenation

  As one ages, changes take place in the face from top to bottom. While changes in the neck and jowl are most commonly observed, the middle part of the face is also affected. Sagging cheeks and deepening nasolabial folds are the hallmarks of midfacial aging. Different approaches are taken to address these issues including Read More…

Facelift Surgery – The Incision on the Backside of the Ear

Facelifts conceptually move loose skin of the jowls and neck backward and upward toward the ears. By making incisions around the ears, the loosened skin is displaced over the ear, trimmed off, and the incisions closed in and around the ears in its crevices and folds. While how the facelift incision is managed in the Read More…

Chin Augmentation and Facelift Surgery

  While a facelift procedure can have a dramatic effect on the neck, how significant that result can be is partially influenced by the position of the chin. Short chins are often associated with a short neck, limiting the results of any facelift procedure. Because of the significance of the position of the chin as Read More…

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