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Combining Cheek and Jaw Reductions with Facelift Surgery

One form of facial reshaping is reduction for a slimmer, narrow or overall smaller face. Reductive facial reshaping procedures include bony operations such as cheek and jaw reduction. While these bony reductions are done intraorally, their effects are ultimately going to be seen based on how well the soft tissues shrink around the smaller bone Read More…

The Effects of Skin Excision in SMAS Facelifts on Earlobe Shape

The incisional access for much of facelift surgery is done in and around the ears. This access provides a method to undermine extended skin flaps across the face down along the jawline and int the neck. With this exposure different methods of SMAS elevate. can be done which allows a skin pullback and redrawing around Read More…

Technical Strategies – Earlobe Reduction Combined With Facelift Surgery

A fundamental component of any lower facelift surgery are the incisions placed in and around the ear. These incisions do notĀ  completely encircle the ear but usually approximate about 75% of its perimeter. Through these incisions the skin flaps are raised and the SMAS flaps elevated for bidirectional facial tissue lifting. But regardless of the Read More…

Preventing Hematomas in Facelift Surgery – Medically Proven Methods

Facelift surgery in its various forms is a well known and highly successful rejuvenative procedure of the lower face. Despite its effectiveness it can be complicated by the development of bleeding (hematoma formation) either in the immediate perioperative or early postoperative time period. This well known problem has been addressed by numerous touted strategies since Read More…

The Role of the Jowl Tuck Up Facelift in the Younger Patient

The facelift is one of the most recognized facial plastic surgery procedures. DespiteĀ  this public recognition it is also a facial rejuvenation procedure that is rife with many misconceptions about it. One of the most basic of those misconceptions is what it actually does or accomplishes. It primarily improves the lower third of the face, Read More…

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