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The Use of Tranexamic Acid for Subcutaneous Infiltration in Facelift Surgery

The single greatest complication during and after facelift surgery is bleeding. Presurgical infiltration of a lidocaine and epinephrine solution is injected into the facelift incisions and planned undermined skin flaps. This helps to control the amount of bleeding encountered during surgery but its effects are time limited. When it wears off in the immediate postoperative Read More…

Facelift Techniques in the Bald or Shaved Head Male

Facelift surgery involves numerous technical maneuvers that influence both its immediate and long-term results. Much focus over the years has been on manipulation of the SMAS layer under the skin and many variations of its dissection and fixation have been described. But one of the core principles of facelift surgery is the placement of incisions Read More…

Technical Strategies – Combining Earlobe Reduction with Facelift Surgery

A facelift is the most recognizable facial rejuvenation procedure. While there are numerous versions of the operation a fundamental component of it is the placement of incisions in and around the ear. While these ear incisions provide access for tissue tightening and removal, their closure is also very important for determining the aesthetic outcome. Most Read More…

Facelift Incision Placement in the Older Male Patient with No Hairline

Facelift surgery has a large number of operative variations due to its long history and common use. Most facelift innovations are focused are either techniques to improve or prolong its facial rejuvenative effects or to expedite the recovery process through more limited operations. But despite all of these surgical improvements, some basic components of facelift Read More…

Comparing Complication Rates of SMAS Facelift Techniques

The term ’facelift’ is a well known plastic surgery procedure and it signifies different meanings to different people. It is, in fact, a generic term in which many different surgical techniques are done to accomplish a facial rejuvenation effect. In essence all facelifts are not created equal…in how they are done, what their complications are, Read More…

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