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The Inferior Border Shave in Lower Facial Asymmetry Correction

Facial asymmetry is common and can be caused by a wide variety of causes. But many facial asymmetries occur naturally, it is just the way the face developed. Given the complex embryological creation of a face it is a wonder that the two sides of the face ever get as closely matched in most people Read More…

Inferior Border Jaw Shave in Facial Asymmetry

Facial asymmetry is not all that uncommon and can occur for a variety of reasons and in different degrees of expression. But the most common reason for facial asymmetry is developmental that becomes apparent as facial growth completes by late teenage years. In the majority of developmental facial asymmetry cases, the abnormal side is positioned Read More…

Case Study: Jaw Angle Augmentation in Facial Asymmetry Correction

  Background: Facial asymmetry can occur from a wide variety of bone and soft tissue deficiencies or even, more uncommonly, overgrowths. (hypertrophy) One of the most common components of facial asymmetry occurs in the jawline of the lower face. Growth abnormalities emanate from the rami of the mandible, the meeting point of the vertical and Read More…

The Concepts of Facial Asymmetry Surgery (FAS)

Facial attractiveness is highly influenced by the symmetry of its composite parts. It is well known and studied from the scientific analysis of beauty that the more two facial halfs (one half and its mirror image) are, the more attractive one is perceived to be. This is true whether it is of the male or Read More…

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