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Contemporary Thoughts on Fat Grafting in Plastic Surgery

Reshaping faces and body through a ‘recycling’ approach by fat transfers is not necessarily a new technique. Fat grafting has been around for over 100 years but never gained much popularity until the past decade. As new techniques and research have revealed insights into how to improve the survival of fat grafts, the regenerative capabilities Read More…

Fat Grafting for HIV Lipoatrophy

Lipoatrophy is a well knownside effect that can occur in patients who have been treated with antoretroviral therapy for HIV. The devastating facial changes that occur with progressive loss of facial fat has a very negative impact on the quality of life for those so affected. Two basic treatment strategies  have been used for facial Read More…

Patient Testimonials: Facial Fat Injections

  Just want to thank you…for two actually three reasons First… It was a 100% HIT… That’s exactly where I wanted the fat grafts placed and needed it and I think you actually filled in the atrophic scar!! My learning experience with where to place it is that no matter where I think I need Read More…

Postoperative Instructions for Fat Grafting

  Fat grafting is done to either augment or restore soft tissue volume of the face and body areas. It can be done through one of two fat grafting techniques. These include either fat injections using concentrated graft material from a liposuction harvest or from the placement of a dermal-fat graft obtained through an open excision harvest The Read More…

Consent for Plastic Surgery: Fat Grafting

  Every plastic surgery procedure has numerous issues that every patient who is undergoing a procedure should know. These explanations are always on a consent form that you should read in detail before surgery. This consent form, while many perceive as strictly a legal protection for the doctor, is actually more intended to improve the Read More…

The Different Types of Injectable Fat Grafts

  Fat grafting has emerged in plastic surgery as a mainstream procedure today. While it actually has a long history dating back to as early as the 1950s, it has always been a procedure considered unworthy of serious consideration as a useful technique for either cosmetic or reconstructive surgery because it simply did not work. Read More…

Platelet-Rich Plasma Facial Injections – Youth Serum?

  The search for a ‘magic serum’ that has the ability to rejuvenate the face and its overlying skin is both an unsolved hope and an endless quest. There are more topical creams and lotions that allege to create more youthful skin that one could ever purchase. But attention recently has turned to  injectable options Read More…

Case Study: Foot Rejuvenation by Fat Injections

Background:  The feet age not unlike the many changes that occur throughout the rest of the body. Tissues weaken, muscle and fat loses volume, and ligaments and joints become less elastic. But the feet are unique because they have to sustain a greater amount of weight than any other structure in the body. Unlike the Read More…

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