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Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Fat Grafting

  Fat grafting is one of the great innovations in plastic surgery of the past decade as a stand alone procedure or as a complement to many other plastic surgery procedures. As a natural graft material with usually good availability, it is an unrivaled aesthetic and reconstructive soft tissue reconstruction method. But despite its many Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Large Brazilian Butt Lift

Background: Buttock augmentation has emerged over the past decade as the fastest growing body contouring procedure that now rivals breast augmentation on overall interest and number of procedures performed. While implants can be used for the buttock augmentation material, fat grafting is by far more common and popular. Injection fat grafting offers a natural and Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Dermal Fat Grafting in Frontal Linear Scleroderma

Background: Forehead augmentation or reconstruction is most commonly done using either intraoperatively formed bone cements or a variety of custom designed implant materials. Such forehead implants work best when the overlying scalp tissues are thick and well vascularized. Forehead implant materials should be used with impeding peril when the soft tissue cover is compromised due Read More…

The Success of the Brazilian Butt Lift

  Buttock augmentation is most commonly done today using fat injections. (aka Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL) It is popular because it not only offers a natural method of buttock enlargement but has a concomitant benefit of body contouring through the liposuction fat harvesting. Many good buttock augmentation results from this procedure are the result Read More…

AntiAging Facial Skin Effects of Injectable Fat Grafting

Fat grafting in the face has become popular for a variety of reasons, one of which is it purported positive effects on the overlying skin. This has been verified in radiation damaged skin which has shown improvement in vascularity and texture. It has been assumed by anectodal observations that similar effects of fat grafting are Read More…

The Safety of Injectable Fat Grafting

Fat grafting and its liposuction harvest has become mainstream in 2015 for both aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery needs. While ongoing clinical studies and experience will continue to evaluate its effectiveness, there is no debating that its use has become adopted by most plastic surgeons. Several of the reasons for its popularity is that most Read More…

Technical Strategies – Fat Injections for Lower Eyelid Ectropion

  Lower eyelid retraction, known as ectropion, occurs for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons are after an elective aesthetic lower blepharoplasty and/or midface lift or after repair of an orbital floor or cheek bone fracture. The lower eyelid retracts downward due to loss of support in one or several of its layers Read More…

Dermal-Fat Grafts in Coccydynia

The tail bone is well known bony structure at the end of the spine. Known as the coccyx (Greek word for cuckoo), it gets its name due its beak-like appearance due to the bend in the fused vertebrae which make up its bony length. It usually is convex on the back side and concave on Read More…

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