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Minimal Incision Forehead Augmentation Cranioplasty

  Forehead augmentation is done for a variety of aesthetic reasons including increasing the convexity and projection of the forehead. A forehead that slopes back too severely or lacks brow bone projection can be built up by an onlay or augmentative cranioplasty. This is always done with an alloplastic material rather than a bone graft Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study: Hydroxyapatite Forehead Augmentation

Background: Although the forehead occupies almost 1/3 of the entire face, it is the one bony facial structure that is least changed for aesthetic purposes. Chin, cheeks, noses and jaw angles are far more commonly surgically altered than the much larger forehead. The most common forehead change is augmentation of a flat or recessed forehead Read More…

Forehead Augmentation in Men

  The forehead occupies a major part of one’s appearance, comprising the entire upper third of the face. The variable part of anyone’s forehead is the hairline, particularly in men. Most male foreheads get longer with age for the obvious reason of a receding hairline. The relative constant features of the forehead that are easily Read More…

Case Study: Forehead Reconstruction with Hydroxyapatite Cement

  Background: Loss of the frontal or forehead bone can occur for a variety of reasons, usually from depressed fractures or loss of a craniotomy flap from infection. With removal of the protective bone cover, the brain and its dural covering sit directly up against the skin not only creating an obvious depression but pulsating Read More…

Common Questions on Forehead Reshaping and Contouring

What influence does the forehead have on one’s appearance? The forehead is a very prominent and visible facial area. While it is not the most dominant facial feature, it does have an influence on one’s appearance in numerous ways. The forehead does have an influence on gender appearance. In men, the brow ridge (bossing or Read More…

Biomaterials for Forehead Augmentation – PMMA (Acrylic) vs HA (Hydroxyapatite) vs Custom Silicone Implant

  The desire for forehead reshaping in adults is done for three reasons. Most commonly, it is someone who has a residual forehead deformity due a congenital skull deformity. (e.g., craniosynostosis) As one gets older, or as hair loss occurs in men, the frontal skull deformity becomes more aesthetically obvious. Secondly,  a frontal skull deformity exists due to an injury or after Read More…

Forehead Augmentation With Bone Cements

  Reshaping the forehead is an uncommon patient request. While the plastic surgery techniques to do so are well known and not new, the need to do forehead contouring is not. Most commonly, forehead reshaping is done on patients who had a congenital skull deformity (e.g., craniosynostosis) or a frontal skull deformity secondary to trauma Read More…

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