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The Subiliac Hip Implant in the Thin Female Patient

Hip implants remain an evolving aesthetic procedure as evidenced by the lack of any standard implant to do so. Part of this is due to the historic lack of demand for the procedure as well as cultural norms in the Western world where larger hips was not seen as desirable. But that has all changed Read More…

Technical Strategies – Percutaneous Release of Hip Implant Inferior Edging

Hip implants are unique amongst all aesthetic body implants. Their vertical orientation in a more superficial tissue pocket location is what separates it from other body implants. Any extremity (arm and leg) implant does also have a periodic vertical orientation but those implants are either in the subfascial or submuscular pockets which provide better implant Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Hip Dip Implants After Fat Grafting

 Background: Of all aesthetic body implants they greatest unfulfilled need is for a hip implant. While historically the concept of hip augmentation was unknown today between cultural changes in aesthetic body shapes and the ubiquity of BBL surgery, to name the top two reasons, the desire for hip augmentation has become common. As an extension Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Hip Dip Implants

Background: The hip area is prone to contour indentations particularly in lean or thinner patients. While some patients may want larger hips over the flat or convex hips that they have, others want to treat a specific hip contour deformity. Located between the bony iliac crest and the prominence of the greater trochanter of the Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Custom Hip Implants for Hip Dips

Background: Hip augmentation poses challenges regardless of whether done by injection methods or an implant. Injectable fillers are the non-surgical approach but in the U.S. the lack of permanent FDA-approved fillers make this a long-term costly treatment option. Fat injections are an autologous option and their placement is often done at the time of BBL Read More…

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