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Recovery after Jaw Angle Implant Surgery

Synthetic augmentation of various regions of the facial bones has always been a popular cosmetic facial procedure in plastic surgery. While historically recognized as that of just chin and cheek enhancement, implant designs and styles has now been expanded to many other facial regions as well. One of these more new areas is that of Read More…

Jaw Angle Augmentation for Females

The jaw is the largest bone of the face and completely accounts for the shape of the lower face.  It provides a sharp line of demarcation from the neck and the rest of the face. It can be weak or strong or well outlined and distinct. No matter how it is shaped, it creates a Read More…

The Aesthetics of Jaw Angle Implant Surgery

  A strong and well-defined jaw angle confers a certain degree of masculinity. Some men have it naturally, while others seek to obtain it from synthetic implants. The jaw angle makes up a portion of the mandibular ramus and its outline is formed by the intersection of its outer posterior and inferior borders. This bony Read More…

Injectable Fillers and Facial Implants are Not Interchangeable

  The use of injectable fillers has been revolutionary in the augmentation of facial soft tissues. The wide array of different filler compositions and their immediate results with a minimal complication rate has enabled patients to enjoy facial enhancements that could not be envisioned just over a decade ago. But like all good things, injectable Read More…

Jaw Augmentation as a Complementary Strategy in Facial Aging

  The  most recognized signs of facial aging is sagging and loose skin.  Therefore, the use of facelifting techniques and other soft tissue suspension procedures have been the foundation of any facial rejuvenation treatment program.  But recent published and presented research in plastic surgery in the past few years has shown that the underlying bone Read More…

The Concept of Three-Dimensional Jaw Angle Augmentation

  Jaw angle implants have become a more common procedure for men in the effort to achieve a stronger and more defined mandibular shape. By highlighting the jaw angles in combination with a more prominent chin, a triangular lower facial shape is seen from the frontal view. By increasing the divergence of two lines that Read More…

Common Questions about Jaw Angle Augmentation (Implants)

1.      Who would benefit from jaw angle augmentation?   The shape of one’s jaw is influenced by its horseshoe or U-shape. From angle to angle, the lower jaw (mandible) is a curved bone that is most recognized by its frontal prominence, the chin. But recent trends in men have placed new emphasis on the aesthetics Read More…

Chin and Jaw Angle Implants for Male Jawline Enhancement

  I frequently get e-mailed and asked…’What can I do to get a stronger jawline?’ This is exclusively a male question and usually, but not always, is from a younger patient. In looking at a lot of photographs of male patients with this concern, the most common problem is that the chin is short and Read More…

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