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Jaw Angle Bony Deformity after Sagittal Split Mandibular Osteotomies

The sagittal split mandibular ramus osteotomy (SSRO) is the most commonly performed osteotomy of the mandible. It is done to either move the lower jaw and its attached teeth either forward or back to correct dentoalveolar deformities and bring the teeth into a better interdigitating relationship. It is a very cleverly designed osteotomy that splits Read More…

Concepts in Female Jawline Augmentation

The presence of a discernible chin has always been an important aesthetic feature of the lower face in both men and women. While the desired amount of projection will vary between the genders, it is clear that having some chin projection is better than having little or none. While the chin has always been perceived Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Older Female Jaw Angle Implants

Background: The strength of the lower jaw is a known favorable feature for a male. But it has become increasingly desired and requested for women as well. Partially spurned on by various well known celebrities and actresses’ jaw shapes, younger women are seeking stronger jawlines as well. An important part, and until recently overlooked, of Read More…

Clinic Snapshots – Injectable Fillers vs Implant Jaw Angle Augmentation

Augmentation of the facial skeleton has historically been done through the placement of preformed implants. The past decade has seen the emergence of a variety of injectable materials to create soft tissue volume augmentation. These have included a large number of synthetic fillers as well as autologous fat. As their use has become more common Read More…

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