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The Evolution of the Mommy Makeover in Plastic Surgery

Pregnancy has an effect on the female’s body that is unriveled in men. Stretching of the abdominal muscles and skin and enlargement of the breasts followed by an overall deflation with delivery usually causes irreversible tissue changes. Many of these tissues pass the elastic deformation stage from which there is no snapback or return to Read More…

Case Study: Major Abdominal and Flank Reduction by Liposuction

Background:Liposuction is a well known surgical method of fat removal that has been available in the U.S. since 1981. It has gone through numerous technologic advancements, particularly in how the fat is mobilized prior to vacuum extraction. From ultrasonic to Smartlipo to Waterjet techniques, fat is being removed in an expanding variety of ways. But Read More…

Case Study: Smartlipo Neck Reduction and Contouring

Background:  The heavy or fat neck is a common problem in younger patients who often have a concomitant body fat issue. The neck is often a symptom of the patient’s overall weight and its size may yo-yo very much like their body does with cyclical weight changes. But for many of these patients, weight loss Read More…

Satisfaction and Results from Abdominal Contouring Procedures

Abdominal contouring through either liposuction alone or combined with some form of a tummy tuck are very common and popular body contouring procedures. Whether it is done to help with fat removal alone from weight gain and aging, pregnancy-induced abdominal changes or abdominal deformities from massive weight loss, these procedures provide very effective changes that Read More…

Non-Facelift Options In the Aging Neck

  An improved neck shape is a desire for many aging men and women. With time, loose skin and sagging fat develop that create a full neck with a more obtuse angle. When seeing patients who seek a better neck and jawline, they are usually surprised when the concept of a facelift is presented. They Read More…

The Lumps and Bumps of Liposuction Recovery

  Liposuction is a very popular and successful method of removing unwanted fat. While it removes fat, the real underlying intent of liposuction is body contouring. Reducing or removing bulges and undesired body protrusions is almost always a fat problem with only the abdomen and arms often have an excess skin problem as well. Since Read More…

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