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The Essential Steps in the Direct Necklift

Many older male patients, as often defined as 65 years of age, or older, are most bothered by the development of central turkey neck or wattle.While a lower facelift is the definitive procedure for most forms of neck tissue sagging the older male may not prefer or be able to medically undergo the extent of Read More…

The Effectiveness of the Anterior Necklift When Facelifting Is Not An Option

The determinant of adverse neck changes with aging is highly reflected in the cervicomental angle. The lower and more open the cervicomental angle is the worse the neck becomes in appearance. The options for treatment of a sagging opening cervicomental angle neck are liposuction, submentoplasty, anterior necklift and a full lower facelift. (neck-jowl lift) The Read More…

The Direct Necklift with a Wavy Scar Pattern

A full or lower facelift is the standard approach to treating significant loose neck skin and neck wattles that come with aging. Despite the well known effectiveness of lower facelift surgery, it does not have Appel to some patients due to the extent of the surgery and the resultant scars in and around the ears. Read More…

Technical Strategies – Webbed Neck Correction with Trapezius Myotomies

The webbed neck occurs is a wide variety of medical conditions and has variable presentations. While most commonly associated with Turner’s, Noonan and Klippel-Feil syndromes where the webbed necks are severe, they also occur in lesser presentations that may have no specific syndrome associated with them. While non-syndromic neck webbing is less severe, it may Read More…

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