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OR Snapshots – The Open Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty surgery requires incisional access to perform osteocartilaginous reshaping. The most common historic technique was the ‘closed approach’ where all incisions were placed inside the nose. Because this provided limited visual access it took a lot of experience to master aesthetic nasal surgery. This was the standard in rhinoplasty until the 1990s were it was Read More…

OR Snapshots – The Abdominal Panniculectomy (Apron Removal)

The abdominal panniculectomy procedure is well known to be a ‘big’ operation. It is the supersized version of the traditional tummy tuck and is often judged by the weight of the pannus removed. The largest abdominal pannus I have ever removed is 85lbs and that was back in the pre-bariatric surgery era…when the abdominal panniculecomy Read More…

OR Snapshots – Injectable Diced Cartilage Grafting Technique

Rib grafts are a well known autologous graft in rhinoplasty for significant augmentation. The rib graft can be used as either a solid piece (en bloc) or can be diced into very small cubes and turned into a sausage-like wrap. Both rib graft methods have their advantages but the diced technique effectively eliminates any chance Read More…

OR Snapshots – Aesthetic Temporal Artery Ligations

Prominent bulges in the temporal region are almost always caused by the temporal arteries. The superficial temporal artery comes off the facial artery in the neck and courses upward in front of the ear. Once it reaches a typical landmark point of 1 cm in front of the ear and 2 cms about that point, Read More…

OR Snapshots – Diced Rib Graft Rhinoplasty

A significant build-up of the nose requires a combination of bridge and tip augmentation. In primary rhinoplasty this is usually needed in many ethnic patients who lack nasal projection from the face. This may also be required in revision rhinoplasty when over reduction has been done from a prior procedure. In such cases the key Read More…

OR Snapshots – Liposuction and the Appearance of Boiling Fat

Liposuction is one of the most common and recognized procedures in plastic surgery. By the way it looks in watching the procedure and how it is commonly perceived by the public, liposuction appears to be as simple as ‘sucking fat out’. But the reality is that it is a more complex extraction process than its Read More…

OR Snapshots – Puffy Nipple-Areolar Gynecomastia Reduction

Gynecomastia is a well known breast enlargement condition that occurs in men of all ages. Like the broad age range that it affects, gynecomastia also occurs in a wide variety of expressions or degrees of breast enlargement. While often perceived as the appearance of an actual breast mound, most gynecomastias present as much smaller masses. Read More…

OR Snapshots – TMJ Glenoid Fossa Implant Removal

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) creates the articulation between the lower jaw and the skull. It allows the mandible to open and close and creates the capability for the only moveable bone in the entire craniofacial skeleton. The TMJ is about the size of one’s thumb and is composed of a ball (condyle of mandible) and Read More…

OR Snapshots – Rib Graft MIcrotia Ear Reconstruction

The ear is composed of two basic structures, cartilage and skin. The cartilage component of the ear is considerable as only the earlobe is not supported by it. The cartilage is solely responsible for the very complex shape of the ear with its many hills, valleys, ridges and curves that are seen externally. How it Read More…

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