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OR Snapshots – The Open Wedge Vertical Lengthening Bony Genioplasty

The most common chin deficiency is that of a horizontal recession. This is evidenced by the many chin implant styles of which almost all of them provide horizontal augmentation of various amounts. The second type of chin deficiency which is far less common is that in the vertical dimension. Vertical chin deficiencies may exist in Read More…

OR Snaphots – The Fat Pads of Lower Blepharoplasty Surgery

Lower eyelid bags are a well recognized facial feature that is typically associated with looking tired and/or being older. Appearing as ballooned lower eyelids they are one of the easily seen of all aesthete eyelid deformities with a convex rather than a concave lower eyelid shape. While there may be a skin component to lower Read More…

OR Snapshots – Removal of Medpor Cheek Implants

Medpor or porous polyethylene is one of the most common facial implant materials used. It is distinguished by having a significant or fierce soft tissue adherence to it. While this poses some challenges to revising or removing such implants, this should not be confused with impossible. A difficult task should not be mistaken for not Read More…

OR Snapshots – Eyelid Incisions for Custom Brow Bone Implant Placement

Augmentation of the brow ridges can be done by a variety of techniques. Injectable  fillers is the non-surgical approach and, while it can be effective, their effects will be temporary. Fat injections offer a minimally invasive surgical method but how well the fat survives and whether it will be smooth is unpredictable. While both injectable Read More…

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