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Custom Pectoral Implants in the Treatment of Poland Syndrome

Poland syndrome is a well known chest wall deformity that always has some degree of underdevelopment of the pectoralis muscle. With the muscle deformity displacement of the nipple superiorly usually occurs as well potential underlying ribcage abnormalities. Many variations in the expression of Poland syndrome occur with other potential deformities of the shoulder, arm and Read More…

OR Snapshots – Pectoral Implant Replacements

Pectoral implants are an effective technique in men for augmenting the shape and size of the pectoralis major muscle. Inserted into the subpectoral plane through a high axillary incision, the chest can be augmented with minimal to no visible scarring. With today’ wide range of implant styles and sizes, many men’s chest augmentation needs can Read More…

Avoiding Common Male Pectoral Implant Complications

The enhancement of the male chest has some obvious differences from that of the female chest. In women the goal is to make a larger mound that sits on top of the muscle. Conversely in men, the goal is to enhance the size and projection of the deeper pectoralis major muscle. As a result the Read More…

The Dimensions of Extra Large (XL) Custom Pectoral Implants

Pectoral implants are the primary method of male chest enhancement. Placed on top of the ribcage, they are intended to increase the volumetric effect of what lies over them…the pectoralis major muscle. Because it is a muscle enhancing implant and not a mound creator like breast implants, the tissue pocket for pectoral implants should not Read More…

Clinic Snapshots – Pectoral Implants with Abdominal Etching

The principal method to augment the male chest is with the use of pectoral implants. Like in the female breast, the placement of a pectoral implant creates an immediate chest enlargement. The fundamental difference between a female and make chest implant is that one is a fluid-filled device while the other one is solid. The Read More…

Combined Pectoral and Bicep Implants in Men

Pectoral implants for male chest enhancement can be a very effective method for a visible change in the size and shape of the pectoralis muscle. Inserted in a completely submuscular position, they push outward on the entire muscle in a largely even distribution of volume. The implants are inserted through a high axillary incision which Read More…

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