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Postoperative Instructions for Jaw Angle Implant Surgery

Jaw angle augmentation with implants changes the shape of the back part of the jaw. By placing specially shaped implants through an incision in the back part of the mouth, the jaw angles can be accentuated by either making them wider, longer or a combination of both. Different jaw angle changes requires different implant shapes Read More…

Postoperative Instructions for Arm Lift Surgery

Arm lifts, also known as brachioplasties, removes loose and hanging skin from the back of the arms and into and across the armpit if necessary. No muscle, fascia or any significant blood vessels or nerves are removed in the process. This will leave a straight line scar from just below the elbow and into or Read More…

The Top Ten Instructions After Otoplasty Surgery

  The correction of protruding ears, also known as otoplasty or ear pinning surgery, is a simple plastic surgery procedure that has a dramatic visual effect and an equally significant improvement in one’s self-image. By repositioning the cartilage of the ear with sutures through an incision on the back of the ear, the angle of Read More…

The Top Ten Instructions After Facial Laser Resurfacing

  Resurfacing of damaged and wrinkled skin by the laser is a very effective procedure for creating smoother skin with a better texture. Because laser resurfacing is really a big burn and it is on your face, the after care is both significant and a little laborious. Not to mention somewhat psychologically disturbing as you Read More…

The Top Ten Instructions After Your Body Lift Surgery

Body lifts are almost exclusively done in the bariatric surgery patient who has undergone massive weight loss. (> 100 lbs) A body lift is a combined frontal tummy tuck and a posterior buttock lift with a resultant 360 degree (circumferential) scar. While good care after a body lift is not hard, the need for management Read More…

The Top Ten Instructions After Your Tummy Tuck Surgery

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a great operation to improve the middle of your body. It is so effective that I call it the facelift of the body. Here are ten instructions to know to help you recover after your tummy tuck surgery. 1. Abdominoplasties (tummy tucks) usually have a moderate amount of postoperative discomfort Read More…

The Top Ten Instructions After Your Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty (nosejob) surgery can make a dramatic difference in the appearance of one’s face and an overall improvement in self-image. What to expect and how to take of your new nose right after surgery is an important part of the recovery process. Here are my top ten instructions that I provide to my rhinoplasty patients. Read More…

The Top Ten Instructions After Your Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction surgery, to effectively reshape the contour of body areas, usually involves a significant surface area of treatment. This involves a fair amount of trauma to the underlying tissues and resultant swelling and bruising of the treated areas. Compression and shaping garments are an important part of the recovery process to maximize the contour and Read More…

The Top Ten Instructions After Your Facelift Surgery

  Here are the top ten instructions that I provide to my patients after their facelift surgery. 1. A bulky head and face dressing will be applied immediately after surgery. This will stay in place until the next day when it will be removed in the office. At the same time, your neck drains will Read More…

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