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Septorhinoplasty for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptom Improvement

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a well known medical condition that is caused by obstruction of the upper airway. This obstruction can be anywhere from the nasal passages, the upper nasopharynx (soft palate), the oropharynx (tongue) down to the epiglottis. In many cases it is believed that the cause of OSA is at multiple levels Read More…

Facial Asymmetry in Deviated Nose Rhinoplasty

Patients that seek rhinoplasty have many reasons for doing so. One of the most common and often at the near top of the list is that of the deviated nose. Since the nose is a prominent midline facial structure, its straightness or lack thereof, is fairly easily discernible. While nasal deviation is a common problem Read More…

Depressor Septi Nasi Muscle and Dynamic Tip Descent

In a rhinoplasty there are many manuevers that can effect the final aesthetic result. But the vast majority of these are based on bone and cartilage reduction/addition/modifications. Isolated soft tissue changes in rhinoplasty are far fewer and changes in the muscular attachments are the most infrequently performed. The nasal muscle of interest is the depressor Read More…

Revisional Nasal Implant Surgery

Certain types of rhinoplasty surgery requires considerable augmentation to achieve its aesthetic effects. This is most commonly seen in the need for bridge or dorsal line augmentation but can extend to include the tip as well. This is most frequent in ethnic Asian or African-American rhinoplasties but can be needed in other nasal shape conditions Read More…

The Value of the Alar Rim Graft in Rhinoplasty

The shape of the nostrils and the overlying nostril rims has taken on increased interest in rhinoplasty surgery and its outcomes. Much of this interest in driven by patients who may after a rhinoplasty feel that they show too much of a nostril opening or have nostril asymmetry with one rim of the nostril higher Read More…

The Benefits Of Corticosteroids In Rhinoplasty

  Rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic facial surgery procedures and is one of the oldest as well. It has great success at reshaping the nose but every patient hates to undergo the inevitable swelling and bruising that is well known to accompany the procedure. In many cases the bruising under the Read More…

Plastic Surgery Case Study – Female Small Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty

Background: Rhinoplasty surgery has been around for almost a hundred years and has its recent origin from European surgeons who attempted to reduce the large ethnic humps on the bridge of the nose. While rhinoplasty surgery has evolved tremendously and now focuses on a more complete approach to rhinoplasty, hump reduction is still a major Read More…

Antibiotic Use in Rhinoplasty

  Rhinoplasty is one of the most common aesthetic facial procedures that has good success for both patient and surgeon alike. Like many facial procedures, it enjoys a very low infection rate largely due to the excellent blood supply of the facial tissues. This is somewhat surprising given that it is a ‘contaminated’ procedure with Read More…

Complications in Rib Graft Rhinoplasty

While rhinoplasty is a very common aesthetic facial procedure around the world, most do not require a large amount of cartilage grafting. But certain types of augmentative rhinoplasties in some ethnic groups do (e.g., Asian noses) and only the ribs can supply an unlimited amount of donor cartilage. While some rhinoplasty surgeons feel very comfortable Read More…

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