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OR Snapshots – Rib Removal Surgery Explained

Rib removal surgery is done for a variety of waistline slimming patients. One such patient is the already thin female who can not get a slimmer waistline by diet, exercise or even liposuction surgery. The lower ribs represent the last anatomic barrier for any further waistline reduction.The second type patient is the transgender male to Read More…

The Appearance of Rib Removal Scars from Horizontal Waistline Reduction

Rib removal surgery removes the last anatomic barrier to maximizing horizontal waistline  reduction. Removal of the free floating ribs allows the overlying soft tissue to collapse inward. When combined with flank liposuction and some muscle removal, whatever waistline reduction is possible will be achieved. Whether this meet the patient’s expectations can not be completely known Read More…

Six Rib Removal Technique for Horizontal Waistline Reduction

Narrowing one’s waistline can be effectively done for most people by a variety of non-surgical and surgical methods. Dieting, exercise, liposuction and tummy tucks will fulfill the aesthetic goals of the vast majority of people who choose to do so. But for a select few patients such methods are not effective enough for their waistline Read More…

Technical Strategies – The Synergist Effects of Wedge Latissimus Muscle Removal and Rib Removal on Waistline Reduction

Rib removal offers the elimination of the last anatomic obstruction to narrowing one’s waistline. This procedure creates its effectiveness through the removal of the inner bony component of waistline support. The free floating ribs, unlike the ribs above it, have an almost vertical orientation downward with only soft tissue attachments at their small cartilaginous tips. Read More…

Case Study – Subcostal Rib Protrusion Correction by Shaving

Background: The ribcage is formed by a collection of twelve (12) ribs of various lengths, locations and compositions. The first seven (7) ribs are called the true ribs because they run between the spine to the sternum through a direct curvilinear connection. Ribs #s 8, 9 and 10 are called the false ribs because they Read More…

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