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Postoperative Instructions – Clavicle Reduction (Shoulder Feminization) Surgery

POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS Clavicular Reduction Osteotomies (Shoulder Feminization Surgery) Most patients will need some narcotic pain medication after surgery. You will be given a pain prescription prior to surgery with instructions for its use. More than one pain prescription may be needed. Muscle relaxants and nerve pain (gabapentin) may also be helpful for some patients. Your Read More…

The Immediate Effects of Shoulder Narrowing Surgery

Shoulder narrowing is an effective surgery done by removing a portion of the clavicle bone. Shortening the length of the clavicle, even though it is not a perfectly straight horizontal bone, achieves its effect by pulling the shoulders inward. Shoulder narrowing is an interesting surgery in several aspects. It is most unique from a recovery Read More…

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