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Technical Placement Strategies in Custom Large Testicle Implants

Custom testicle implants are, by definition, implants that are both larger in size and composed of ultrasoft solid silicone. Such implants are usually in the size range of 6.0 to 7.5cm in size which are beyond standard sizes only available up to 5.0cms. In placing these larger testicle implants there are multiple technical details to Read More…

Technical Strategies – Screw Fixation of Intraoral Chin Implants

Chin implants can be introduced onto the chin bone through either an inferior submental skin or a superior intraoral incisional approach. There are surgeons who advocate for one or the other as well as there are advantages and disadvantages with the two implant introduction techniques. Both incisional access points are just different ways to accomplish Read More…

Technical Strategies – The Placement of Extended Temporal Implants for Hollowing In Conjunction with Hairline Browlifting and/or Frontal Hairline Advancements

Temporal hollowing is a common sequelae of aging particularly in the thin female. While the actual temporal muscle does not shrink significantly with aging, the temporal fat pads do. Thin females do not have sizable temporal fat pads initially and whatever is there may largely shrink with age. The most common treatment for temporal hollowing Read More…

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