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Technical Strategies – Submental Vertical Chin Reduction

Chin reduction poses challenges that other facial bone reductions don’t. Because it is a projecting structure with a tight soft tissue pad attachment, consideration must be given to what will happen to the ‘extra’ soft tissue once the bone is reduced. In addition the chin reduction technique used can also have an influence on the Read More…

Technical Strategies – Intraoral Placement of the Midface Mask Implant

Aesthetic augmentation of the midface is historically done by standard implants such as that of the cheeks, paransasal, premaxillary and tear troughs. While these can be effective for proving volume to ‘spot’ deficiencies, their use is more limited in patients that have an overall midface deficiency. While using various combinations of these standard midface implants Read More…

Technical Strategies – Infra Eyebrow Approach to Brow Bone Reduction

Brow bone reduction for prominent supraorbital ridges is done in both men and women. The standard approach is from a scalp access whether that is done from a coronal or frontal hairline incision. By exposing the entire forehead and brow bones through forehead flap turn down, burring or bone flap reduction techniques can be used. Read More…

Technical Strategies – Frontal Hairline Placement of Temporal Implants

Temporal implants offers a permanent solution to hollowing or excessive concavity by the side of the eye. (non-hair bearing temporal region) Placed in a subfascial location they offer a safe plane of dissection and placement with no risk of neurovascular injury. Their typical placement in through a small vertical scalp incision behind the temporal hairline. Read More…

Techical Strategies – The Perforated ePTFE Paranasal-Maxillary Midface Implant

Paranasal augmentation has been done using various techniques for differing anatomic reasons. By history paranasal augmentation meant the placement of a bony implant for a skeletally deficient midface often done in conjunction with rhinoplasty typically in Asian patient with flatter midface profiles. Since the introduction of injectable fillers and with increasing use of fat injections, Read More…

Technical Strategies – Dermal-Fat Grafts in Migraine Surgery

Migraine surgery has been developed over the past decade for the treatment of extracranial sensory nerve sites that have been identified as a specific foci or trigger for the headaches. The fundamental concept is that the cranial nerve branch is being compressed either by muscle, fascia or blood vessels. Surgical decompression clears the source of Read More…

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