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Technical Strategies – Perioral Mound Microliposuction

Defatting of the face is very different than the body. Due to the location of vital motor nerves, the more fibrous nature of facial fat and its very discrete locations, facial fatting is much more limited. While it is possible to selectively remove small areas of facial fat, it is not possible to have a Read More…

Technical Strategies – Funnel Insertion Method for Buttock Implants

Of all body implant augmentations buttock implants are the most challenging in many ways. From the dissection of the implant pocket to the patient’s recovery, such buttock augmentations requites a complex interplay of many factors to go well for a successful outcome. One of the essential intraoperative factors is getting the buttock implants into the Read More…

Technical Strategies – Six Pack Etching in Custom Skull Implants

Custom skull implants provide a reliable and safe method for augmenting flat or deficient areas of the head. Like all face and body implants that are placed for aesthetic purposes, the surgery is fundamentally about placing a performed implant into the desired tissue pocket through the smallest incision as possible that will permit it. This Read More…

Technical Strategies – A Superior Approach for Temporal Implant Placement

Temporal implants offer a permanent and effective augmentation method for unaesthetic temporal hollowing. They are usually inserted from the side into a subfascial pocket through small vertical skin incisions in the temporal hairline. While this incisional approach usually heals quite well, its use in the male patient who shaves his head or has a close Read More…

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