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Options in Neck Contouring – 2. Hard Tissue Procedures

  While the soft tissues dominate the surface area of the neck, they are not the only elements that give it its shape. Several hard tissue components comprised of bone and cartilage also make a contribution. The form of the jawline is on the upper edge of the neck and is the superior suspension point Read More…

Options in Neck Reshaping and Contouring

  The shape of the neck is an important aesthetic structure of the face. When it is well defined with a sharp angle definition (between 90 to 120 degrees in profile), it makes the chin and jawline more prominent and flattering. When the neck angle is obtuse or completely open (straight), the jawline becomes obscured Read More…

Case Study: Tracheal Shave in the Transgender Patient

  Background:The central prominence of the neck is well recognized as the adam’s apple. It is largely a male feature although it can be prominent in some women as well. It is composed of paired cartilages which surround the larynx and is designed to protect the delicate voicebox from injuries. While often referred to as Read More…

Tracheal Shave (Adam’s Apple Reduction) for Neck Contouring

  A large or protruding thyroid cartilage (a.k.a. Adam’s Apple or pomus Adamus) can be a source of embarrassment to the male transsexual as well as to certain aesthetically-sensitive males. Reducing the size of the upper portion of the thyroid cartilage, known technically as a chondrolaryngoplasty, is often an essential procedure in appearing more feminine. Read More…

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