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Rib removal surgery represents the ultimate or final surgical procedure for those women seeking waistline reduction/narrowing. By removing fat, muscle and free floating rib support at the waistline level whatever reductive narrowing effect that is possible will be achieved. But like any other body contouring surgery there will be expected swelling and soft tissue remodeling from the surgery that will take months to fully resolve and the final waistline effect to be seen. This recovery process can be exaggerated if some substantial liposuction is done as well of the abdomen, flanks and back which is not uncommon with rib removal surgery.

Right after the surgery a standard velcro wraparound garment is placed over the taped incisions and the drain sites around the waistlione. This provides immediate compression as well as a means to catch any early drainage from any liposuction sites. After the first few days, however, this early compression method can be changed if desired. 

While the continued use of the velcro binder is certainly useful, other types of waistline garments offer improved compression. I have previously discussed the CopperFit Waist Shaper which is very good. But many types of corsets are available online that maximize the waistline compression and are adjustable for increasing levels of compression as the swelling subsides and more compression can be tolerated. They are also not too vertically high which is more comfortable for the short waisted patient.

Such corsets are very affordable ($20) and can be purchased online from Amazon.

How long should one corset after rib removal surgery? Sat least until most of the swelling has gone and the soft tissues have been remodeled. This is at least a t6 week process and more ideally out to 2 to 3 months after the surgery. 

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon

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